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What I Do


since ever I started my university education, I've been looking for entering this field and contributing in such a nice world.


from 2 years ago, I've received some offers to work as an architecture visualiser, and since then, day after day, my love and passion toward this field are continuously increasing, and it will come that day in which I'll build one of the world greatest architecture artworks, I beileve.

As I always like to say, My infinte Goals are strognly tied to my childhood dreams.


it was always my passion to invent things & create Ideas of possible inventions, I love to design and to sketch in space. I've set a good dream for this talent which is being able to create "A Product A Day" while mainting both mechanical and electrical complexities of whatever the product is, one day I might achieve this big dream. and I believe in my ability to achieve this Goal.

Product Design
Another 3D field?!

Since, I'm in love with sketching in 3D and this talent is my biggest passion.


It would be a pleasure to do any 3D task in any possible field.


Because a variety in work types, is what makes the experience precious, and it helps mastering the 3D field Dramatically.


Challenges are Gifts from God!


They breake routines and strengthen my skills, So for me, it's like smiling back!


Any work that might challenge me, I would happily challenge that work back.

Teaching is a noble message, and it does teach both learner and the teacher himself.

I've a philosophy of teaching, that it must be always free, and every single body should teach out of his experience something.

a teacher can't be a teacher without a practical experience, and a worker/profeccional can't be better without teaching.

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